Ruby Zoisite

Ruby Zoisite

Properties keyword: happiness, abundance, vitality, appreciative, growth, focus, positivity, courage, strength
Suitable for: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces
How to cleanse: Smudging, sound, using crystals like selenite and clear quartz, sunlight and moonlight
How to charge: Place it near / on a clear quartz or selenite, or sunlight and moonlight

Ruby Zoisite is the stone to go to for its strong energy of happiness, abundance and vitality. It encourages you to be appreciative of things and people around you. It aids in personal growth, keeping you focused and have more positivity in life. It gives you courage and strength to face your fears, and to be confident to stand up to your own beliefs. It is especially helpful in alleviating negative emotions such as anger, grief and despair.

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