

Properties keyword: Balancing, Protective, Calming, Concentration
Suitable for: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
How to cleanse: Smudging, sound, using crystals like selenite and clear quartz, sunlight and moonlight, water
How to charge: Place it near / on a clear quartz or selenite, or sunlight and moonlight

Agate is a one of the best stone for rebalancing the mind and body of an individual. It helps to eliminate negative energy, and transform them into positive ones. Excellent in enhancing mental functionality, Agate is a good aid in helping you to form new insights and different perceptions in your flow of thoughts. This stone not only  helps to improve your concentration, and also your analytical abilities. It is a very soothing and calming stone that at the same time, gives you a sense of security, and feel protected.